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Data safety

We understand very much the concerns surrounding sharing propietary data, even if it is only for a private collaboration. Therefore, data safety is taken extremely seriously for all our partners' data. Data takes a one-way street to publication of exposure values, where your data will of course remain classified. Under no circumstance is data from one partner shared with another. This page details a non-exhaustive list of measures we can take to safeguarded your IP. Most importantly, we will always respect your bespoke needs. â€‹


Data transfer

During our first in-take meeting, we establish which data you are willing to share. This can be as much as you feel comfortable with, and we can discuss what is strictly only necessary. The data can be transferred though whichever way you like. For example, using an encrypted online transfer service or with a dedicated hard-drive sent by FedEx. Your data can also be kept on your systems and accessed using SSH or via a research stay.


Legally-binding NDA

A legally-binding NDA can be signed on your terms, under a range of possible governing laws, and checked by both our and your legal team. The same in-take procedure applied to interns at your company can be used for the person handling your data at our institution. The NDA-agreement can start provisionally and be extended later when trust is built. Our research group is simply that, an academic research group, not seeking commercial profits. We are not affiliated with any of your competitors and do not plan to.


Data storage

Again, we are willing to go as far as you wish. The data can be securely stored at our institution with heavily restricted access, or at your institution with remote/in-person access. A data-managment plan can be written as part of our NDA-agreement, including any policies of your choice. The data shall be deleted after the research is completed or at any time you wish. There is also the possibility to work with placeholder data until finalization, after which the method is computed by your employees using the real data.

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